Hindu/Vedic/Sanatana Dharma Related Links
Web Portals
India/Indian Related
.Indian Portals and Sites
.Hotels, Resorts and Spas
.Holistic Centers
.Yoga Retreats
.Travel Portals
.Local Sites:
Internet TV, Movies, Music
.Internet Radio
.Immigration, Law
.Charity and Community Based Organizations
.University and Colleges
.Environment, Conservation, Nature, Earth, Food Safety, etc.

Food Resources:
Green Resources
- Online Course on Sustainable Development
- Green Changemakers - Collection of Resources on Sustainability and Green Living
- UC Berkeley’s Cool Climate Carbon Footprint Calculator
Home Green Home: Creating a Safe, Earth-Friendly Place to Live
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’s Household Products Database
- Earth-friendly cleaning products:
- - Earth911
- - Biokleen
- - Ecos
- - Ecover
- - Method
- - Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day
- - Seventh Generation
- Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)
- National Coalition for Pesticide-Free Lawns
- AmericanLawns.com’s grass recommendations
- Prairie Nursery
- NoMowGrass.com
- U.S. EPA’s landscaping site
- Gray Water Companies:
Save Energy, Money, and the Earth
- Energy Star
- Gujarat Online
- IBN Live - News
- Search India
- Hindi Panchang
- India Chamber of Commerce
- Gujarati Site: mitixa.com
.Hotels, Resorts and Spas
.Holistic Centers
.Yoga Retreats
.Travel Portals
.Local Sites:
Internet TV, Movies, Music
.Internet Radio
.Immigration, Law
.Charity and Community Based Organizations
.University and Colleges
.Environment, Conservation, Nature, Earth, Food Safety, etc.

Food Resources:
Green Resources
- Online Course on Sustainable Development
- Green Changemakers - Collection of Resources on Sustainability and Green Living
- UC Berkeley’s Cool Climate Carbon Footprint Calculator
Home Green Home: Creating a Safe, Earth-Friendly Place to Live
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’s Household Products Database
- Earth-friendly cleaning products:
- - Earth911
- - Biokleen
- - Ecos
- - Ecover
- - Method
- - Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day
- - Seventh Generation
- Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)
- National Coalition for Pesticide-Free Lawns
- AmericanLawns.com’s grass recommendations
- Prairie Nursery
- NoMowGrass.com
- U.S. EPA’s landscaping site
- Gray Water Companies:
Save Energy, Money, and the Earth
- Energy Star
- Refrigerator recycling info
- Find a home energy rater
- Kill A Watt
- Watt’s Up?
- EM100 meter
- Google PowerMeter
- Energy-cost calculators:
- Zillow
- Tips for choosing an air conditioner
- Australian guide for choosing appliances
- Wonder Wash
- Solar Style
- Solio
- BITS Limited
- Watt Stopper
- Consumer Support Group’s water consumption calculator
- WaterSaver Technologies
- HarvestH20.com
- Green car-care products:
- Recycling centers
- Refrigerator recycling
- Professional energy auditors
- Online power-use calculators:
- Find out real estate values
- Choose the right-sized AC
- Compare appliances in Australia
- Electricity-free washing machine
- Solar-powered chargers:
- - Solar Style
- - Solio
- - Amazon.com
- Master outlet
- Occupancy sensor monitors
- Water Consumption Calculator
- Gray-water system
- Rainwater harvesting techniques
- Waterless car-washing products:
- Find recycling centers for CFLs
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
- Zero Waste Alliance
- Disposing hazardous waste
- Amazon’s Frustration-Free Packaging program
- Reducing unsolicited mail:
- Crafty Magazines:
- - ReadyMade
- - Etsy
- - Craft Magazine
- Tutorial for re-using plastic bags
- Craft ideas for kids
- Repurposing everyday things blog
- Craigslist
- The Recycler’s Exchange
- European Recycler’s Exchange
- Thrift Stores:
- Giving things away:
- Find out what you can recycle
- Find a recycling center in the UK
- Plant-based packaging material
- Recycle Styrofoam
- Info about tire-derived fuel
- Recycle Cellphones:
- Recycling electronics:
- Recycle your refrigerator
Building and Remodeling
- Finding a green house:
- Hybrid electricity-generating systems
- Find certified stoves for burning biomass
- Efficient toilets
- Evaluating building supplies
- Reclaimed Wood:
- Find Green Seal-approved paints with low VOCs
- Find a lead paint tester
- Radon testing professionals
- Find a green builder:
- U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
- U.S. Internal Revenue Service
- U.S. Department of Energy-sponsored Weatherization Assistance Program
Raising a Green Family
- Greenguard-certified products
- Biodegradable diapers:
- - Ecobaby
- - Tushies
- - Nature Babycare
- - Nature Boy & Girl
- - gDiapers
- Sustainable Forestry Initiative-certified trees
- Flushable Diaper liners:
- Organic baby formula:
- Human Milk Banks:
- The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics
- Skin Deep Cosmetic Safety Database
- DEET-free bug repellant:
- Planet Happy Kids
- KinderArt
- Video games and activities with an environmental slant:
- Green projects for teens:
- Green Fundraising:
- Green party decorations
- Donate My Dress
- Vermont’s Cold River Veterinary Center
- Organic Pet Food:
- Natural Resources Defense Council flea medicine study
- Natural Resources Defense Council Green Paws Guide
- Feline Pine kitty litter
- City Farmer info on building a composter for pooch poop
- Safe Paw Ice Melter
Eating Green: It’s Not Just Spinach Anymore
- Farm Sanctuary
- Sustainable Table dairy map
- Slow Food movement
- Energy costs of producing a cheeseburger
- Definitions of organic:
- Best produce to buy organic
- Cooperative Grocer’s directory
- Find sources of organic foods:
- Seeds of Change
- Vermicomposting resources:
- Floral attractants, repellants, and insecticides
- Extremely Green Gardening Company
- Community Gardens:
- Finding organic restaurants:
Responsible Shopping
- New Rules Project
- Supporting local businesses:
- Natural Resources Defense Council guide to buying home paper products
- Fair trade resources
- National Geographic Society’s Green Guide
- Green clothes and accessories:
- Green health and beauty products:
- - Cosmetic Safety Database
- - Campaign for Safe Cosmetics
- - Desert Essence
- - Dr. Hauschka Skin Care
- - Eco-Beauty
- - Farmaesthetics
- - Future
- - John Masters Organics
- - Juice Beauty
- - Kuumba Made
- - Origins Oranics
- - Pangea Organics
- - Suki
- - Tarte Cosmetics
- - MakeYourCosmetics.com
- - Coalition for Consumer Information on Cosmetics
- Charity Navigator
- National Geographic Society
- World Wildlife Fund
- Sierra Club
- National Resources Defense Council’s Great Green Gift Guide
- Eco-friendly businesses:
Going Green: Transportation and Travel
- Public Transportation
- Prototype PRT
- Biking resources:
- - Bike Commuters
- - Commute by Bike
- - Bicycling Life’s Bicycle Commuter’s Guide
- - League of American Bicyclists
- - Consumer Reports Bikes Buying Guide
- - Bicycle Buying Guide
- - The Bicycle Shopping Guide
- - League of American Bicyclists guide on bike upkeep
- - About.com’s riding basics
- - Safe biking tips
- - U.K. cycling laws
- - Wheels of Justice (Australia)
- - Guide on safe cycling
- - Map My Ride
- - Bikely
- Craigslist
- The Car Sharing Network
- U.S. Department of Energy
- K&N filter
- MapQuest
- Google Maps
- American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy
- Compare car models for fuel efficiency
- Canadian Office of Energy Efficiency
- U.K. car efficiency site
- Vegetable-oil conversion kits:
- Green hotels:
- Guide to Recommended Guides and Tour Operators
- Union of Concerned Scientists
- Union of Concerned Scientists’ Getting There Greener report
- Ecotourism:
Green Business is Good Business
- eFax
- Recycling at work
- EPA’s Comprehensive Procurement Guide
- Green jobs:
- Green rental vehicles:
Refrigerator recycling info - Find a home energy rater
- Kill A Watt
- Watt’s Up?
- EM100 meter
- Google PowerMeter
- Energy-cost calculators:
- Zillow
- Tips for choosing an air conditioner
- Australian guide for choosing appliances
- Wonder Wash
- Solar Style
- Solio
- BITS Limited
- Watt Stopper
- Consumer Support Group’s water consumption calculator
- WaterSaver Technologies
- HarvestH20.com
- Green car-care products:
- Recycling centers
- Refrigerator recycling
- Professional energy auditors
- Online power-use calculators:
- Find out real estate values
- Choose the right-sized AC
- Compare appliances in Australia
- Electricity-free washing machine
- Solar-powered chargers:
- - Solar Style
- - Solio
- - Amazon.com
- Master outlet
- Occupancy sensor monitors
- Water Consumption Calculator
- Gray-water system
- Rainwater harvesting techniques
- Waterless car-washing products:
- Find recycling centers for CFLs
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
- Zero Waste Alliance
- Disposing hazardous waste
- Amazon’s Frustration-Free Packaging program
- Reducing unsolicited mail:
- Crafty Magazines:
- - ReadyMade
- - Etsy
- - Craft Magazine
- Tutorial for re-using plastic bags
- Craft ideas for kids
- Repurposing everyday things blog
- Craigslist
- The Recycler’s Exchange
- European Recycler’s Exchange
- Thrift Stores:
- Giving things away:
- Find out what you can recycle
- Find a recycling center in the UK
- Plant-based packaging material
- Recycle Styrofoam
- Info about tire-derived fuel
- Recycle Cellphones:
- Recycling electronics:
- Recycle your refrigerator
Building and Remodeling
- Finding a green house:
- Hybrid electricity-generating systems
- Find certified stoves for burning biomass
- Efficient toilets
- Evaluating building supplies
- Reclaimed Wood:
- Find Green Seal-approved paints with low VOCs
- Find a lead paint tester
- Radon testing professionals
- Find a green builder:
- U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
- U.S. Internal Revenue Service
- U.S. Department of Energy-sponsored Weatherization Assistance Program
Raising a Green Family
- Greenguard-certified products
- Biodegradable diapers:
- - Ecobaby
- - Tushies
- - Nature Babycare
- - Nature Boy & Girl
- - gDiapers
- Sustainable Forestry Initiative-certified trees
- Flushable Diaper liners:
- Organic baby formula:
- Human Milk Banks:
- The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics
- Skin Deep Cosmetic Safety Database
- DEET-free bug repellant:
- Planet Happy Kids
- KinderArt
- Video games and activities with an environmental slant:
- Green projects for teens:
- Green Fundraising:
- Green party decorations
- Donate My Dress
- Vermont’s Cold River Veterinary Center
- Organic Pet Food:
- Natural Resources Defense Council flea medicine study
- Natural Resources Defense Council Green Paws Guide
- Feline Pine kitty litter
- City Farmer info on building a composter for pooch poop
- Safe Paw Ice Melter
Eating Green: It’s Not Just Spinach Anymore
- Farm Sanctuary
- Sustainable Table dairy map
- Slow Food movement
- Energy costs of producing a cheeseburger
- Definitions of organic:
- Best produce to buy organic
- Cooperative Grocer’s directory
- Find sources of organic foods:
- Seeds of Change
- Vermicomposting resources:
- Floral attractants, repellants, and insecticides
- Extremely Green Gardening Company
- Community Gardens:
- Finding organic restaurants:
Responsible Shopping
- New Rules Project
- Supporting local businesses:
- Natural Resources Defense Council guide to buying home paper products
- Fair trade resources
- National Geographic Society’s Green Guide
- Green clothes and accessories:
- Green health and beauty products:
- - Cosmetic Safety Database
- - Campaign for Safe Cosmetics
- - Desert Essence
- - Dr. Hauschka Skin Care
- - Eco-Beauty
- - Farmaesthetics
- - Future
- - John Masters Organics
- - Juice Beauty
- - Kuumba Made
- - Origins Oranics
- - Pangea Organics
- - Suki
- - Tarte Cosmetics
- - MakeYourCosmetics.com
- - Coalition for Consumer Information on Cosmetics
- Charity Navigator
- National Geographic Society
- World Wildlife Fund
- Sierra Club
- National Resources Defense Council’s Great Green Gift Guide
- Eco-friendly businesses:
Going Green: Transportation and Travel
- Public Transportation
- Prototype PRT
- Biking resources:
- - Bike Commuters
- - Commute by Bike
- - Bicycling Life’s Bicycle Commuter’s Guide
- - League of American Bicyclists
- - Consumer Reports Bikes Buying Guide
- - Bicycle Buying Guide
- - The Bicycle Shopping Guide
- - League of American Bicyclists guide on bike upkeep
- - About.com’s riding basics
- - Safe biking tips
- - U.K. cycling laws
- - Wheels of Justice (Australia)
- - Guide on safe cycling
- - Map My Ride
- - Bikely
- Craigslist
- The Car Sharing Network
- U.S. Department of Energy
- K&N filter
- MapQuest
- Google Maps
- American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy
- Compare car models for fuel efficiency
- Canadian Office of Energy Efficiency
- U.K. car efficiency site
- Vegetable-oil conversion kits:
- Green hotels:
- Guide to Recommended Guides and Tour Operators
- Union of Concerned Scientists
- Union of Concerned Scientists’ Getting There Greener report
- Ecotourism:
Green Business is Good Business
- eFax
- Recycling at work
- EPA’s Comprehensive Procurement Guide
- Green jobs:
- Green rental vehicles:
- Environmental Defense Fund carbon offset projects
- Ecobusinesslinks.com carbon offset table
- Voluntary Carbon Standard
- Voluntary Carbon Standard-approved offset programs
- The Breakthrough Institute carbon offsets report
- Corporate giving for green-conscious nonprofits:
- - Charity Navigator
- - The Alliance for Climate Protection
- - Conservation International
- - The Conservation Fund
- - Defenders of Wildlife
- - Earth Day Network
- - Environmental Defense Fund
- - Greenpeace
- - National Audubon Society
- - National Wildlife Federation
- - Natural Resources Defense Council
- - The Nature Conservancy
- - Rainforest Alliance
- - Sierra Club
- - World Wildlife Fund
- - GoodSearch.com
Alternative and Renewable Energy
- Yes2Wind
- National Audubon Society
- Wind Enery, The Facts
- Intergovermental Panel on Climate Change
- Soil Doctor
- Arbor Day Foundation
- Trees Forever
- Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup
- Start a recycle program
- Habitat for Humanity
- EPA plan to make communities greener
- Online environmental communities:
- Animal protection and habitat conservation:
- - Amazon Conservation Team
- - Amazon Watch
- - Audubon Society
- - Birdlife International
- - Conservation International
- - Defenders of Wildlife
- - Ecology Fund.com
- - Forests and European Union Resource Network
- - Grey Seal Conservation Society
- - National Wildlife Federation
- - Natural Resources Defense Council
- - Nature Conservancy
- - Rainforest Action Network
- - Rainforest Alliance
- - Sierra Club
- - Wilderness Society
- - World Wildlife Fund
- Climate change and global warming:
- Environmental education and outreach:
- Environmental law and policy:
- Oceans and water conservation:
- Social Investment Forum
- SocialFunds
- Investopedia
- E*Trade
- TD Ameritrade
- Self-Help
- Kiva
- Morningstar
- MSN’s Money Central
- Climate Counts
- Greenpeace’s Greenwashing site
- Greenwashing Index
Getting Involved
Medicine - Health - Life Sciences
.Interesting Sites
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